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7 Advantages of Network Marketing Businesses

When you talk to a network marketing prospect, it's good to check with them and see what they are looking for, so you can help them achieve it. The more they feel you understand the advantages of network marketing businesses that they are specifically looking for, the stronger the relationship you will build with them. And nothing is as important to your MLM success as strong relationships.

So here are some common desires that you can check for in your prospects and your teammates:

1. Desire for personal freedom. You don't have to ask permission to go to a conference with your child's teacher. When you work for someone else, you must ALWAYS answer to them first. Breaking free from THAT is exhilarating.

2. Desire to spend more time at home with family. Who are you responsible for? Kids? Elderly relatives? Pets? As you know, situations with family constantly come up that demand your time & attention. Asking for that time and getting it can be stressful on you. That stress is a thing of the past, once you've build your MLM income.

3. Desire to be their own boss. When you work for an hourly wage, over 50% of the income you generate - and often WAY more than 50% - goes to the boss. Work for yourself, and it goes to YOU. Plus, you don't have to listen to the boss anymore! Big incentive for a lot of people.

4. Desire to get up when they want to. No commute. No traffic. A lot less stress. Get the kids off to school, have a leisurely cup of coffee, and THEN start your work day.

5. Desire to work at home - or wherever they want! You can tend your own international business at home on the phone or on the internet ... or even by watching a training on DVD. You can also go out anytime you want and visit local prospects or team members. And you can go to local (or distant) networking events of ANY kind, to make new contacts.

6. Desire to avoid big company headaches. No overhead. No warehousing. No employees. No Workman's Comp. No office rental. No accounts receivable. I'll bet you can think of a bunch of items to add to THIS list.

7. Desire to work WHEN they want. Are you a night owl, totally on a roll at 2 a.m.? MLM is perfect for you. Are you an early riser, up at 5 a.m.? MLM is perfect for you. Do you get best results when you nap in the middle of the day? Try doing THAT on your job! Again ... MLM is the perfect solution.
