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How Can a Business Plan Help Your Business?

Business plans are very serious or formal statements of set business goals, including the reasons why these goals are considered attainable, and also the plans or steps for attaining them. A business plan may also include a bit of background information regarding the organization which has set and is trying to achieve these goals.

These business goals which are being attempted can be non-profit as well as for-profit. Plans of the government's agencies and non-profit business plans focus mainly on service goals. Whereas the for-profit plans, focus mainly on financial goals. A business plan can also aim at changing the perception or branding by the user, client, customer, tax-payer, or any larger group. Such a business plan, which includes a change in the way the customers perceive or the way the customers brand, and focuses on these changes as the primary goal is called a Marketing Plan.

A business plan may be focused upon in two ways; externally or internally. If a plan is externally focused, it targets the goals which are important to the external stakeholders, most importantly the financial stakeholders. These generally have in-depth information regarding the team / organization trying to achieve the goals. In terms of for-profit goals, the external stakeholders include customers or the investors.

When it comes to external stake-holders concerning the non-profit goals include all the donors and also all the clients the non-profit's service has. External stakeholders for the government agencies include all the high level governmental agencies, the tax-payers and also international lending bodies.

If a plan is internally focused, its targets are all the goals that lie before reaching the external goals. These can include something like the development of some new product or a service or even a new Information Technology system; these also include restructuring of finance or a restructuring of some organization. Internal business' often develop in conjunction along with a list of critical factors of success.

This enables non-financial measurement of success (of the plan). A business plan that identifies internal goals, but at the same time provides but a general guidance regarding how the organization plans to meet is called a strategic plan.

All the goals regarding an internal organization or a group or a department are described in operational plans. The goals of a project are described in project plans or project frameworks. These can also include the project's place among the organization's bigger goals.
